Ripple in Time: Journal Community's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Ripple in Time: Journal Community

  • Everything we do, even the slightest thing, can have a ripple effect and repercussions that emanate. If you throw a pebble into the water on one side of the ocean, it can create a tidal wave on the other side.
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group text sent 8/1 @12:23pm [30 Jul 2018|12:42am]
group text to Briar, Mena, Nik, Abi

Who else has the night off and wants to go to the festival!?

text to lacey garrett. sent 8/1 @ 2:45pm [30 Jul 2018|12:51am]
I knoooow you liked the pink dress better but I chose the blue for tonight. ♥

Also, can I borrow a pair of earrings? Pretty please?

text sent 8/1 @3:09pm [30 Jul 2018|04:08pm]
I see you were approved for your transfer. Are you working tonight?
You and your friends behave yourselves tonight.
I'm assuming you both be at that fancy party. I'll be working the city center all night. Come find me if your charges head home early.

text 8/1 12:00pm [30 Jul 2018|05:23pm]
Text to Sophia and Gwen

You guys need me tonight? I guess it'll be busy.

text to alastair sciarra. sent 8/1 @ whenever alec frisks alastair. [30 Jul 2018|11:10pm]
Did you get lost on your way back, Al?

[ viewing | July 30th, 2018 ]
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