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Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

    Time Event
    ANNOUNCEMENT: Brand New Day.
    A new morning crept over the island. Tobias leaned forward, clicking the microphone on. His voice rang out over the island, waking its inhabitants from their sleep.

    "Good morning, friends. How was your first night? Surprisingly bloodless for most? We have one casualty, far fewer than I expected for people like you." He nearly spat the words, a hint of disgust slipping into his voice. "I'm certain you all expected more, though some of you discovered the use of the collars, yes? Jimmy Drake decided he wanted to take my dare. I expected no less from him. I suppose he got to leave...ah, but in more pieces than he would have liked. But we live...or don't...by our choices, don't we?"

    "I have an announcement for you all. We have a new dead zone. Enter it, and your collars will detonate the way poor Jimmy's did. The jungle is no longer safe. It's much better to be social, isn't it? To all see each other, out in the open? It's just so unfair of so many of you to hide. Wouldn't you agree that you should all become better acquainted? It would be best to decide who can leave soon, after all. I'm certain your families miss you. Have a wonderful day, friends."

    Tobias flicked the switch, turning the microphone off and leaned back in his chair. The speakers clicked, going silent. Turning to the monitors on his right, Tobias began to watch again.

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