Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

October 6th, 2010

04:13 am - [info]perezkarlee

Does anyone have a home for Karlee Perez/Maxine? I'm not big on finding a romantic line (I honestly prefer to play her as someone who is 'open minded' per say and someone who doesn't really commit to anyone) but I would love to have a place with other NXT rookies and pros kicking around. FCW people would be nice too :)

01:17 pm - [info]ex_albertor159

A home with other Smackdown wrestlers?

06:44 pm - [info]adams_

Kelly Kelly and Layla please come to [info]scriptsheet

10:53 pm - [info]johnafelixcena

I just joined [info]wme and I already feel like Ive been there forever. The people are simply amazing. Wasn't my first choice! But it's still good. So with that said, how about more wrestlers/divas join to keep John company late at night or while he's on a long flight?
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