Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

April 23rd, 2010

06:58 am - [info]ratededge

[info]indyshow I know there are more of you people out there dying to get your hands on some of the open roles. Do it now. Thank you.

11:37 am - [info]mcmahonrules - Kind of a longshot, but...

Looking for a mature (PSL, could go to a game at some point) storyline with one of the following people: Eric Bischoff, Paul Levesque (HHH), or Bret Hart.

Most activity would be over AIM and the storyline would largely be sexual. Comments are screened and PMs work, too.

08:24 pm - [info]brooklynmiller

Chris Masters and Lena Yada PB's: Make your way over to [info]nycsatindolls ASAP!
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