Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

November 17th, 2008

07:44 am - [info]seahag

i am still a woman on a mission, searching mainly go for the likes of samoa joe, christopher daniels, dave prazak, steve corino, chris hero, and claudio castagnoli. you guys have come up in conversation more than once with several people so needless to say, you are all wanted (any of the boys, short of corino of course, would be welcome for some kind of romantic line with this woman.) i believe this game could be praised for hours however rather than feed a bunch of hype, i think seeing for oneself is a better approach.


(also wanted are women and men alike from companies such as shimmer, ring of honor, tna, and wherever else you want to wander on in from)

06:28 pm - [info]ttayw

[info]indyillustrated for all your pbing needs.
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