Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

June 4th, 2008

01:45 am - [info]mcmg

I seem to do this at least once every other month since nothing ever pans out but I'm looking to pick up a new role somewhere and I have no idea who is wanted where. Games have wanted lists but those are just generalizations usually and more often than not, never say what they are wanted for. So is there anyone looking for girls to fill any romantic storylines? I play more than a handful of people and am always looking to try something new. I make no promises but I take every suggestion into consideration and if the line interests me, chances are I will pick it up no problem. Comments are screened but PM's also work.

09:03 am - [info]kirbymack

Hi, do you have a home for me? Active, yes please. Mature, well..as long as it's not full of ppl TyP1nG lyke dis, I'll deal. AIM > Threading. Journal examples, I've got those.

01:32 pm - [info]xtremegm

[info]xpw via [info]xtremegm is a newer wrestling pb community. We will open once we get ten more members.

Our Christian Siriano PB is looking for an Eve Torres pb to play his sister. You can conact him at draconryan on AIM if you want more details.

03:10 pm - [info]kanellism

More divas and wrestlers to [info]tubetv please! The celebs are very friendly and accommodating to all of us and it's very active, so there's always some comment spam going down. Check it out.

04:40 pm - [info]mizassaro

I have a lovely Ashley Massaro in need of a home. For once, I am going to be pretty picky about where I take her only because the same thing seems to keep happening everywhere I take her and I'm getting tired of it.

1) I need a place that, while active on AIM, my girl won't be expected to be on constantly. Also note that when she is on, I am on linked names and can't go into chats. Notifications are also turned off so I won't always see when people come on so messaging her first will have to happen.

2) Journal activity is obviously needed too. I want to take her somewhere that she can post randomly and fit right in with the crowd. It's weird to be the only person posting for a week straight.

3) For once, I would love to take her some place where she won't be ignored. I get it, she's not a popular woman, but like it or not she is friends with a decent chunk of people and to have all her real life friends ignoring her is kind of absurd. I don't ask that they be best friends but I'm tired of this girl only getting comments from one or two people. Trust me, a little effort goes a long way and if my girl feels welcome, she has no problem being the most active woman on the planet. However if she posts an intro and no one even bothers to say hello, it's a little disconcerning and will turn me/her off from a game completely.

Now, assuming I'm not asking for too much, please suggest away. Don't think because I expect all this, no effort will be made on my part. Believe me, I try my hardest and it just simply seems that most people don't talk to her out of personal dislike for the woman, not anything on my end. At least I hope not.

04:49 pm - [info]freeburg

[info]indyillustrated. Just joined. Love it already.
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