Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

March 4th, 2008

02:34 am - [info]shnnnmre

[info]roadagents is an awesome new community and there are lots of open roles.

Shannon and Jeff would love to see more Omega people there.

Michelle McCool would love to see more Smackdown divas there.

02:50 am - [info]livetoinspire

I actualy have three communties I want to pimp for:

[info]americanfame only needs 8 more members to officially open and everyone seems really nice so far and they welcome all different kinds of celebrities.

[info]studiocity is another new community with lots of roles open. Everyone here is friendly and fun to rp with.

[info]roadagents has lots of roles open and even though it is still small everything is really active.

11:14 am - [info]ex_carmelita840

[info]indyillustrated I love this place like a fat kid loves cake. ♥

04:08 pm - [info]jceezy54 - Help!

[info]americanfame is in dire need of a co-mod and more members, otherwise this place is in danger of closing even though its brand new. Those interested in co-modding should contact neroisenigma.

The taken/wanted/held list as well as the rules is within the journal userinfo if you want to apply. Thanks for any help we can get.

06:34 pm - [info]hodder


09:46 pm - [info]ex_thecaptai580


We're a new game and have LOTS of rolls open. Check us out!
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