Wrestling RPG/Community Ads

February 20th, 2008

10:31 am - [info]ex_kingofkin552

Former members of DX/the Kliq to [info]thejunglerpg please.

Shawn, Kev, and I are waiting.

04:00 pm - [info]trishworldorder

Does anyone have a homeless John Cena or Chris Jericho? My girl(see icon) might be interested in having a line with one of you. Feel free to drop a comment and we can take it from there. ;]

04:42 pm - [info]neighborhoodmod

[info]perfectsuburbia // [info]neighborhoodmod

Is a brand new PB community. It's loosly based off the TV series, Desperate Housewives, and has a fun, cool and interesting twist to it. Only two roles taken at this time, and two on hold.

Adds will be done daily.

09:51 pm - [info]laraisaphrodite

[info]indyillustrated VIA [info]indymod

My Maria PB needs someone to fill her romantical storyline! Check us out!

11:24 pm - [info]rockhardash

Anyone interested in playing Maria in an Ashley/Maria PSL?
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