Riftworld Network

November 2021



February 4th, 2019



This ought to be fun.

Time for a wee bit change of scenery, lovely. We are going to the Rock.

Make room, sister of mine. I'm joining the Rock... sort of.



Seriously? The last time I checked, this is the wrong sort of forest for Latin America. If someone weird ass alien or Asgardian is involved, I think I'm going to shoot before asking questions.



text post: kara danvers

I just found a redhead half-drowned in a lake, late teens maybe? Does anyone know her? She's okay, but she's resting and I'd like to know where to bring her.



[ TONY ]
Thank you for being you.



I read what I got about this thing, but I don’t like it. And if I find out who or what is responsible, there’s gonna be consequences. Kidnapping a federal agent, not a great idea.

Bones, are you here somewhere? And if she is here, she better not be hurt. I don’t take kindly to my family being messed with.



text post: lydia martin

I heard Stiles is here? Did a flying girl really save me from drowning? I've got to be dreaming, right?



Seems the portals are bringing more people through at the moment, interesting.

[Skull Rock]

Harry and Gil are coming back here. finally


Saw someone from your world's shown up, this a good thing?


So. You're friends with one of mine. As her Captain, it's my responsibility to make sure you're on the level.



My friend, Liz, has disappeared.

I'm guessing... I'm hoping... that she was taken back home.



This place sucks. Can I go home now?



Well, I guess it's not quite as bad here as it was in Montana.



Hey. We should do something for Valentine's, even if everything's messed up here.



I am tired of training by myself.

Would anyone care to join me?



Ladies, Ladies, Ladies.

I know with Valentine's coming up, there is going to be a huge rush of you wanting to do, well, whatever with me for the holiday.

Please, I only ask that form an orderly line and don't fight too much.

There's plenty of me to go around.