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System malfunction [02 Nov 2009|08:37pm]
Sora had been hanging on. He really had. Riku did a good job of making him forget what was going on, but unfortunately, everyone else did not. Especially Roxas. He was so broken up about losing his parents, he just felt sick and miserable. He wanted to go home, but he didn't want to go home to an empty house. He didn't want any of this, and least of all, he didn't want Sora to continue to live like nothing was going on. It made him angry, and hurt, and feel so alone.

The twins met up after Sora had turned in his paper, and things were quiet for a while. "What should we do for Christmas?" Roxas asked. They needed to discuss it.

"Go home," Sora replied flatly. What else?

"Then just the two of us-"

"Our whole family, like always," Sora interrupted. He didn't want to talk about it.

Roxas sighed, exasperated. "Sora, it's been three days."

"So?" Sora replied.

"So, stop being an idiot! Their plane crashed Sora, when are you going to get a clue? You're leaving me to deal with this all by myself!" Roxas was getting angry, and get stood up from where he was sitting on Sora's bed.

"Roxas, everything is going to be fine! If you would just stop-"

"You stop! Sora, our parents are dead, okay?" He grabbed his brother and shook his shoulders. "No one survives plane crashes in the ocean! If the plane didn't explode or they didn't die on impact they drowned by now!"

"They're coming back!" Sora argued. They were both yelling now. "They're-"

Before he could stop himself, Roxas smacked his brother as hard as he could. "SHUT UP! SHUT UP SORA! MOM AND DAD ARE NEVER COMING BACK! THEY'RE DEAD! They're never coming back! Never..." Fearing he would burst into tears there, Roxas ran out of the room.

Sora sat there on his bed. One by one, everything started to flood into his head, even as the sting to his face started to fade. Roxas might have come back later, but Sora didn't hear anything he said. He didn't look at him, didn't speak to him, even when Roxas got frustrated and yelled at him again, Sora gave no response. Roxas started to worry, and even when he pleaded with Sora to say anything, nothing happened at all. And when Roxas left again, Sora finally got up, but only to turn off his light and lock his door and turn off his phone, curl up in a ball in his bed and cry.

Because their parents were never coming back.
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I suuuuuuck! [02 Nov 2009|09:42pm]
Roxas felt so stupid for being a sobbing mess in the hall, but the guilt was eating him, Sora was a zombie, and he felt more alone than ever.

He pounded on Axel's door, hoping that he would answer quickly, and no one would walk by in the hallway and see him looking so pathetic and miserable and worried.
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