reversathon's Journal
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Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

    Time Event
    "The Lost Words" for "Delilah Dillwort"
    Title: The Lost Words
    Author: Valerian W. Volesnout ([info]donnaimmaculata)
    Recipient: Delilah Dillwort ([info]gmth)
    Character(s): George, the Weasleys
    Rating: PG
    Word count: 2,500
    Warnings: Canonical character death
    Summary: After Fred’s death, George started to stammer.
    Author's notes: For Delilah Dillwort, who wanted to see something about George and how he copes post-war with Fred's death. I hope the ending is hopeful enough for your taste.

    The Lost Words )
    "Conversation over Tea" for "Florentina Pratt"
    Title: Conversation over Tea
    Author: Lilah Woodbine ([info]snakeling)
    Recipient: Florentina Pratt ([info]thisaestus)
    Character(s): Minerva McGonagall, Albus Dumbledore
    Rating: G
    Word count: 1,030
    Warnings: None
    Summary: Albus and Minerva have a conversation that changes her life.
    Author's notes: I'm indebted to whomever added Pottermore information to Minerva's entry on the HP wikia. Also to my beta, who stepped up to the plate at the last possible moment when I needed her ♥

    Conversation over Tea )

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