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Wednesday, August 15th, 2012

    Time Event
    "Asphodel Dreams" for "Freda Flytrap"
    Title: Asphodel Dreams
    Author/Artist: Penelope Purewimple ([info]crystalusagi)
    Recipient: Freda Flytrap ([info]sealcat)
    Character(s)/Pairing(s): Snape/Harry
    Rating: NC-17
    Word count: 17,760
    Warnings: EWE
    Summary: Lupin's werewolf is killing him, and Harry needs to find the only potions master who can brew a potion to save him. Harry does not expect Snape to be the potions master; nor does he expect to be made Snape's assistant. But unexpected things do tend to happen to the Boy Who lived.
    Author's notes: I wasn't the person this request was originally for (I got one of your other prompts), but I hope you enjoy this anyway, Freda Flytrap! It is my first Snarry fic ever.

    Please note: This story is hosted on a temporary website. If linking to this story please link to this post and not the story itself to ensure you don't end up with broken links after the fest ends. Thank you.

    Asphodel Dreams

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