reversathon's Journal
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Sunday, August 5th, 2012

    Time Event
    "Well-adjusted and Responsible" for "Pansy Plunkett"
    Title: Well-adjusted and Responsible
    Author/Artist: Primrose Flicke ([info]florahart)
    Recipient: Pansy Plunkett ([info]iulia_linnea)
    Character(s)/Pairing(s): Snape/Harry
    Rating: PG-13
    Word count: 10,764
    Warnings: None
    Summary: Harry wants kids. Severus is pretty sure he'd be the worst. parent. ever. But it's not like there are no kids that need homes, and Harry doesn't think it's that Severus actually hates the idea, just that it worries him.
    Author's notes: The request was for a story in which Severus got a family of choice. I feel like I got a little caught up in bringing the kids into the tale, and spent less time on Severus than I wanted, but I hope it will suit, anyway.

    Please note: This story is hosted on a temporary website. If linking to this story please link to this post and not the story itself to ensure you don't end up with broken links after the fest ends. Thank you.

    Well-adjusted and Responsible

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