reversathon's Journal
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Thursday, May 10th, 2012

    Time Event
    Update on requests
    Hi everyone, and thank you for all the excellent requests that have come in so far! They have almost all been spot on, fitting perfectly with what the author/artist is offering, which makes your mods very happy indeed.

    We have only five participants still to make their requests, and they will be getting an email nudge in a moment to make sure they haven't got lost. We'll start on assignments as soon as all the requests are in, and keep you posted.

    If you're one of our five participants who hasn't made their requests yet, head over now to the Request Post and do so - you have until friday but try not to leave it to the last minute. Don't forget ads are being removed when the maximum requests have been received for them, and as well those who have already gone we have four people who only have room for one more before they're gone!

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