RETROFITTED :: v.2.0 :: Privately operated - January 21st, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

January 21st, 2012

hell is your brain frozen over. [Jan. 21st, 2012|02:51 pm]

Tickety-tock goes the clock. )
linkfeeling ill?

If the blast didn't kill ya, the shrapnel would. [Jan. 21st, 2012|11:28 pm]
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"So then he was like Girl, please, who are you gonna believe, me or your eyes and I just lost it." Lexington Cross, resident rioteer and terrorist of EPITAS, had recently lost a man's car in the Canal. Oops. The sedan had driven right off the Lowside's platform elevators and crash landed rather gracelessly into the side of a dingy old no-tell-motel in the seediest little part of the red light district and while the owner had been present, he had not been conscious-- and when he did regain consciousness, he didn't recall sir, I don't know how my car got here, no I ain't been drinking.

And all that jazz. )
linkfeeling ill?

words can never make up for what you do. [Jan. 21st, 2012|11:56 pm]
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Red lowlight scattered shadows against every surface in the small, infected room. With rustled sheets a whore had won his spoils -- a reservoir in the face of punishment, should his mistress ever be so cruel. Truth be told, it hadn't been necessary yet -- but addictions were dangerous, and heavier with each passing day, each injected vein.

"I don't suppose you could spare an extra hit on this one?" More a hint than a request. He'd put out so well, after all. He purred, reached fingers out to caress the man's thigh.

Please? )

link3 can't remember a thing|feeling ill?

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