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December 18th, 2019

[info]thekidwhodies in [info]repose

Diego C

hi - i dunno if you remember me from the arcade - alex. you got a minute?

[info]reposerumors in [info]repose

dante z.

[Locked to Dante Z.]
Y'know, sometimes I think when I hear a story of someone being too badass for it to be true that the person who its about is the one who spread it around originally.

[info]bequesting in [info]repose

Thread: Rey & Mao

Who: Rey Smith & Mao Senri
What: Rey's got questions and maybe Mao has answers
When: Wednesday night, 18 December
Where: Repose cemetery
Warnings: Language; None other significant expected.

The rumors that had been swirling around the town had Rey intrigued, if not mildly disturbed. The origin of the rumors was unclear, but everyone was buzzing with one story or another. The ones that had come to her own ears were disturbing, but she doubted they were true. A little research suggested an easy way to find out that didn't involve what sounded like blackmail through the forums. That was why Rey found herself tromping through the December night in the town cemetery, looking for someone who might be a violent criminal, or a demon, or, more likely, a stranger about whom someone was ginning up unpleasant tales.

As she moved, she spread her awareness through the area, feeling both for the living--the creatures and plants, mostly--and, should they be present in this place, the dead. And, if there was anyone else who didn't really belong out here, Rey wanted to know before they showed up and tried to do something unpleasant to her. She had a walking stick with her and knew how to use it, but she'd just as soon avoid the issue altogether if she could.

[info]reposerumors in [info]repose

Marta F

Who are Seven and Sawyer?

[info]reposerumors in [info]repose


[Locked to Lear]

Do we get a vote on these rumors?

[info]beyondsense in [info]repose

[Clover W]

Clover? I know this is going to seem strange, without us knowing each other. But hello?

[info]solus in [info]repose


[locked: adrian m.]
Do you have Christmas plans?

[info]thedanseur in [info]repose

Hugh M

[Hugh M]

I could be a total dick about this fyi

[info]reposerumors in [info]repose

[Ben S]

[Ben Sorenson]
I don't think you know me at all, but I thought you might want a heads up that I keep hearing people talking about you. And I don't usually pay much heed to this type of thing, but sometimes I guess it's nice to know that it's happening so you aren't taken off guard.

[info]reposerumors in [info]repose

[David N]

Learning what people are saying about you, from a fairly objective third party. Yay or Nay?

[info]reposerumors in [info]repose

Shiloh F

[Shiloh F]

I'm trying to decide if you're the type of person who would be completely honest when asked a dangerous question.

[info]cloakndagger in [info]repose



the regina george shit is getting old, quick. never change, repose and by 'never change' i mean save your vitriol for the traditional family gathering at christmas.

i'm looking for a line of potential work.