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February 5th, 2018

[info]atthemoon in [info]repose

[News/Narrative; Wolves]

[The connection of Pack, for werewolves, is a powerful thing. It's possible to be ignored, though difficult depending on the strength of the bond others may share nearby, and it is possible to be broken (not snapped, but splintering like a frayed cord). This flood of mismatched memories has sent some wolves into an uncertain haze, not breaking the tie but stretching it to the limit as Those Who Do Not Remember wander away, to the Capital and beyond. Some pack members remember vendettas since dropped, or pick up bitter enmity that never existed to begin with, making the bond hurt, like red pepper.

The bond is further taxed by a thoughtless fear of another predator come to the fore; a hunter prowling around the edges of the Pack. The wolves are not used to being low on the food chain. They are the pinnacle and bone react well to this feeling. Some just run. Others attack anything that comes near. A few change without the pressure of the moon, causing more distress and chaos to ripple through the bond.

Such things have been known to make entire Packs go wild. Turn on each other, perhaps, driven by anger or instinct. The trailers in the woods and associated camp has become a dangerous place to be.

In the center of it, the Repose pack alpha tries to stay sane, and keep his Pack sane too. It is an astonishingly difficult task. Naturally dominant and reassuring command an alpha may possess, but this is like many tiny meathooks pulling that draw apart. Cisco's mental presence has, up until this point, been a solid rock. As his strength begins to wane, that center point of reassurance begins to fade.

Even as the moon wanes too, its power seems to grow stronger. ]

[info]caeteradesunt in [info]repose

[locked to newt p]

You still hiding out, or are you coming to get a drink with me and Patrick?