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[08 Sep 2011|06:35am]

Reno! The love I have for the residents here is incredible. Our biggest little city, there's nothing else like it-- this is the place our forefathers were talking about when they said "land of opportunity." I have to ask a question or something, but first, my name is Xander and I'm the owner of RSVP Tourism here in Reno and the Sparks and Washoe counties. That's right, I'm the guy that the natives love to hate; I bring in the idiots and show them where to act a fool.

As for the question, I really want to know what your favorite position is, because for one: who doesn't like telling something a little dirty about themselves to a stranger? And two: who doesn't like reading such divulging information about another person they've seen around town? I'm helping you out.

I'll go first, and I'll add a picture, so definitely NSFW! )
53 read|reply

StayClassyReno + customs = ♥ [07 Sep 2011|09:40pm]

Hello, Reno. Although I see a few friendly faces, I should still introduce myself, right? So, I'm Olivia, and I'm currently watching Ferris Buellers Day Off because this movie never gets old. At least not to me, anyway. Tell me. What's your favorite movie quote? Mine is: "I'm going to punch you in the ovary. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker." Makes me laugh every time. I can't even.
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