December 2014

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November 30th, 2014

[info]forgified in [info]rennervate_ooc

'Ello, I'm El. I thought I'd make an intro post to get the ball rolling so here goes!

You can find me on aim at bmuggled if you'd like to plot. I'm in Britain, so might be asleep when everyone else is on, but don't worry I'll always reply to tags in game and messages ooc. I have two characters for your consideration.

First up is the owner of this account - Fred Weasley. Fred's currently running a successful business with his Twin (they capitalize Twin), George. Together they co-own and manage Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which is located in Diagon Alley. So far the shop has escaped relatively unscathed, thanks to a few booby traps here and there that even Death Eaters overlook. He's an Order Member of course and also helps out Lee Jordan with his Potterwatch broadcasts. He's trouble in caps lock, reckless with a sharper tongue and harder edge than his baby Twin. His dropbox is here, comments are screened.

Next up is Kirley Duke. He is lead guitar for the weird sisters, though the band are on a hiatus of sorts while the world goes crazy. He is living with his boyfriend, Orsino Thruston, and they are looking after his Father's music shop while he is in hiding. K is an Order member, though most of his activities revolve around helping Muggleborns find safe haven and passage out of the country where possible. He is outwardly neutral of course and is usually sociable via journal - [info]babyitsfucktime I think that's it. Love him or hate him, bring it on. His dropbox is here, again comments are screened.