October 24th, 2010

[info]reborns in [info]remodeled

[ open | in-person ]

[ The lights are dimmed and there isn't much anyone around-- staff or patients-- and he's finished with his most recent project. Marking the positions of all visible cameras and microphones on a printed out map took nearly two days to complete, and he's certain he couldn't have gotten them all. But it's a start.

So with one thing done as much as possible for now, it's time to go onto the next. With some filched tools from the workshop stowed away in his room, Ribbons enters the computer lab. He takes up a tower, unplugging it from the wall, and walks out with it in hand. He does try to make some effort to conceal it, but not to any extreme; there's no point in trying to hide much of anything when this place is as surveyed as it is. ]