October 19th, 2010

[info]reborns in [info]remodeled

[ text | private ]

[ only lightning and the staff should be able to spot this. ]

Our meeting place. We decided to put off the decision until today; I have preference to outdoors, even with the commotion at the beach.

[info]sapphicscience in [info]remodeled

[ text // privated to Lelouch vi Britannia, making no effort to conceal who it is from ]

[ The idea that she's been talking to - helping - one of Euphie's killers is something abhorrent to her. It sickens her, some terrible godawful dread in her stomach that keeps working outward - what if she's helped one of them do it? What if she's just getting them closer to Euphie?

And the idea that both of them have already talked to Euphie, gotten that close to her, gotten anywhere near her...

Rage is an inappropriate word. This is something far, far worse.

But, even so, she still wants to believe in them. She wants to believe that Suzaku meant what he said, that even though he's an Eleven that he really has earned his honorary citizenship and that even though Lelouch has lied to them all that he hasn't gone this far.

So she looks at the timer function on the phone and rapidly composes a text message with Cornelia's original words. She'll give him two minutes to answer - and after that, he is guilty. ]

Lelouch vi Britannia. Suzaku Kururugi. They are dangerous terrorists. It is imperative we work together to not fall to their deceitful manners. Princess Nunnally could be in danger.

Extremely dangerous.
No, they are no longer associated with the Black Knights.

Lelouch vi Britannia murdered the 98th Emperor Charles zi Britannia and assumed control of all of Britannia. He has committed several crimes of terrorism, including taking members of the U.F.N. hostage.

He has appointed Suzaku Kururugi as his personal knight. Use caution when around either.

-Cornelia li Britannia

lelouch vi brittannia


[info]duelkeys in [info]remodeled

002 ✩ Voice

Only been here one day and already feeling antsy. Maybe thinking I'd last a week was too much. [ joke only to maybe himself here... then in a lower tone: ] So is this day three hundred and fifty-nine or sixty?

So how many are meeting people they 'knew' in their dream? Was it... Was it the same dream?

[ already has the answer for him, but finding out if others are experiencing it too is a good thing! ]