October 17th, 2010

[info]firephobic in [info]remodeled

001 - video

[The video feed is short and, well, upside down. Jet hasn't quite gotten the hang of this thing yet. His hair is disheveled, eyes still a little sleep-heavy, and his voice is a little rough.]

I don't like this.

[He fumbles with it for a second, turns it right-side up, and then the feed cuts.]

[info]whatblade in [info]remodeled


[The screen is filled with an image of a person from nose to neck. His mouth is an expressionless line, and his voice comes out like a bored drawl.]

I'm tired of listening to everyone complain about being here, acting like it's some kind of conspiracy. If you all hadn't noticed, this is a mental hospital. I'd trust the staff over the insane ramblings of the patients who are here to be rehabilitated. Think about that.

It's sad how gullible you all are. I'll try to get out of here as fast as I can just to get away from you pathetic losers. Wake up and smell the disinfectant.