Remember the Forgotten :: An AU Harry Potter RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Remember the Forgotten :: An AU Harry Potter RPG

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[Jan. 3rd, 2011|01:06 am]

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Who: Haley & Zephyr
What: Surprise Date
Where: Their apartment, then out!
When: Jan. 3rd, Monday evening
Why: She wanted to surprise him!
Rating: TBD

I Could Be Falling In Love )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2010|02:37 pm]
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Who: Stefani Bollinger and Christine Hallow (Katie Bell/Cassiopeia Black)
What: Cramming
Where: coffee shop then their dorm
When: Wednesday afternoon
Why: When the going gets tough, the tough get caffeinated and study
Rating: TBD

Double espresso, and keep them coming )
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[Dec. 2nd, 2010|08:50 am]
Who: Alek and Rain
What: Texting
When: Thurs, Dec 2
Rating/Warnings:: not sure any?

You Have (1) New Message )
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[Dec. 1st, 2010|11:12 am]
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Who: Rose and Scorpius
What: Reunion!
Where: Rose's apartment.
When: Wednesday
Why: It's been awhile
Rating: TBD

Then you come on crashing in/Like the realest thing )
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[Nov. 13th, 2010|04:08 pm]
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Who: Fenwick & Cyrus (pre-dated)
What: Discussions and coffee
Where: Cyrus' place
When: November 14
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Memories are so fleeting )
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[Nov. 5th, 2010|09:56 pm]
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Who: Cyrus and Fenwick
What: A phone call
Rating: Low

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[Oct. 31st, 2010|06:21 pm]

Who: Lucy and Skye (Lily and Severus)
What: Halloween Date / party
Where: The University
When: Halloween
Rating: TBD

Being dead for 29 years has never looked better )
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[Oct. 29th, 2010|09:03 am]

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Who: Sawyer Paul and Lucy Elliot
When: Late Friday morning
What: Texting
Rating: PG

You have (1) unread message )
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[Oct. 26th, 2010|08:04 pm]
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Who: Cyrus Meynik (Sirius Black) and everyone who wants to drop by for an autograph
What: Autograph session
Where: Some bookshop
When: Still too early for Cyrus
Rating: PG probably

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[Oct. 25th, 2010|01:52 pm]

Who: Lucy and Skye (Lily and Severus)
What: Date
Where: It's a surprise
When: Monday evening
Rating: G

In the car I just can't wait | to pick you up on our very 'first' date | Is it cool if I hold your hand? | Do you like my stupid hair? | Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? | I'm too scared of what you think | You make me nervous so I really can't eat )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2010|09:12 pm]

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Who: Lucy and Skye (Lily and Severus)
What: Getting tea (Date maybe?)
Where: Roasted
when: Friday evening
Rating: Pretty sure it'll be G

Lucy in the Sky(e) with diamonds )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2010|11:02 pm]

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Who: Amelia/Sawyer and Lucius/Jack
What: She's on a break/needs human contact
Where: The diner
When: Friday afternoon
Rating: PG?

Just another long day )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2010|07:09 pm]

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Who: Rain/Alek/Gemma (Alecto/Draco/Ginny)
What: Finally coming for a visit
Where: Gemma's tea shoppe
When: Thursday evening
Rating: PG at least

It's nice to finally meet the other woman... )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2010|04:09 pm]
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Who: Lucy and Skye
What: A phone call
Rating: Super low

Ring ring, ring ring. )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2010|03:55 pm]
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Who: Fenwick & Gemma (Fabian & Ginny)
What: A strange sort of first meeting between family
Where: Sweet Violets Tea Shoppe
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: None?

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[Oct. 20th, 2010|05:55 pm]
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Who; Harry and Ginny / Jeremy and Gemma
What: Clandestine meeting
Where: The Cheshire Cheese, a particularly dark and out of the way pub off of Fleet Street.
When: 8pm Thursday night
Warnings: TBD

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never met )
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[Oct. 20th, 2010|02:57 pm]
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Who: Gemma and Jeremy
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Texting
Rating/Warnings: Likely PG

( You Have (1) Unread Message ) )
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[Oct. 19th, 2010|04:12 pm]
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Who; Rose and Scorpius / Pierce and Cosette
What: Playing Halo and snogging.
Where: Pierce's place.
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: TBD, but kissing at the least. Video game violence?

We got it all on UHF )
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[Oct. 19th, 2010|10:46 am]

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Who: Rain and Damien (Alecto and Roger)
What: Morning run
Where: Park
When: Tuesday morning
Rating: PG at most

Sometimes you just need to run )
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[Oct. 18th, 2010|10:41 pm]
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Whom: Rachel Watson/Bellatrix Black & Gemma Silversmith/Ginny Weasley
What: Rachel wants some tea
Where: Sweet Violettes Tea Shoppe
When: Tuesday

Rating: Probably low
Warnings: Probably none

I'll get you my pretty.... )
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