Livejournal Refugee Camp - April 1st, 2008

User: [info]refugees_of_lj (posted by [info]melissophobia)
Date: 2008-04-01 03:10
Subject: New in camp
Security: Public

1. Post a comment to this thread and tell us your name. User name or real name, what ever is most comfortable to you:
Melissophobia (Here and There)

2. Something about yourself that you think is interesting. Do you dance, sing, write, draw, or tell some funny jokes? Let us know a little about you:
I write Fanfiction. Currently working on In Plain Sight, a HP/SS mentor fic.

3. Your top three interests. These don't necessarily have to be the same interests in your profile. Right now?

Reading, Writing, Music

4. (This is for my own research) How did you find this Asylum?
I think I typed LJ in the search engine.

5. What are you most hoping to get out of this community?
I really liked the users of LJ, not the powers that be. Seemed like a good place to start.

6. Why did you leave Livejournal? If you can't pick a specific reason, then how about a date? Or what was the one thing that broke the camel's back?

I don't want my journal to be deleted because it contains the term fanfiction. Additionally, If one group WFI deleted journals what is going to happen now that many of the sites will be sponsered by corporations? Will my paid journal be deleted because a friend has a branded site, and the sponsor dosen't like what I have to say? (friends page)

I don't like the idea that my friend cant find any Homosexual journals on it, or the fact that the interest search has been altered. I don't like the idea that after paying 100 dollars in the past year, I am now subjected to ads. And Lastly, I wouldn't last to long in a Russian jail.

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my journal
May 2008