Livejournal Refugee Camp - March 25th, 2008

countrymouse posting in Livejournal Refugee Camp
User: [info]refugees_of_lj (posted by [info]countrymouse)
Date: 2008-03-25 01:36
Subject: Intro
Security: Public
Mood:okay okay

Because [info]tiggy would like to know. :-)

1. Post a comment to this thread and tell us your name. User name or real name, what ever is most comfortable to you: CountryMouse

2. Something about yourself that you think is interesting. Do you dance, sing, write, draw, or tell some funny jokes? Let us know a little about you: Um, mostly you can see what I'm into by looking at my profile page.

3. Your top three interests. These don't necessarily have to be the same interests in your profile. Right now? Politics, video games, online (covers a wide range of things).

4. (This is for my own research) How did you find this Asylum? [info]clare_dragonfly, who is on my flist, posted a link in her IJ leading to an important post in this asylum.

5. What are you most hoping to get out of this community? I want to keep tabs on what's going on at LJ, since I still have a paid (but inactive) account there.

6. Why did you leave Livejournal? If you can't pick a specific reason, then how about a date? Or what was the one thing that broke the camel's back? I kept hearing more and more scary things. I didn't like the idea of a Russian company owning LJ. And the censorship had not yet touched me, but it was scaring the heck out of me. I came here on January 7th of this year and bought a Permanently Insane account that very night. I'm glad to be here! :-)

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User: [info]refugees_of_lj (posted by [info]manycolored)
Date: 2008-03-25 11:01
Subject: Intro
Security: Public
Mood:content content

1. Post a comment to this thread and tell us your name. User name or real name, what ever is most comfortable to you:
Manycolored. I was also Manycolored on LJ.

2. Something about yourself that you think is interesting. Do you dance, sing, write, draw, or tell some funny jokes? Let us know a little about you:
I am a research geek, a librarian, a sustainability and social justice maven, and a martial artist.

3. Your top three interests. These don't necessarily have to be the same interests in your profile. Right now?
Science fiction, humor, cooking/eating

4. (This is for my own research) How did you find this Asylum?
Back_in_black at LJ

5. What are you most hoping to get out of this community?
Trying to reconnect with my LJ friends list.

6. Why did you leave Livejournal? If you can't pick a specific reason, then how about a date? Or what was the one thing that broke the camel's back?
The censorship of the Russian bloggers.

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my journal
May 2008