July 1st, 2014

[info]sangasyouflew in [info]refried_scenes

the magic how to keep her happy

Pregnancy is tiring to Ragnelle. Much of her energy diverts to it, as it would for a tree or a human, and in the meantime she's much restricted in her movements, both physically and by convention. She starts to spend more time with the Queen and her ladies at their embroidery circle, though she doesn't do any embroidery. The company and the presence of women talking has its own soothing effect, and she listens to them, whether she finds their problems trivial or not, and lets them speculate on the temperament and sex of her child.

Since her transformation court has been much kinder to her, and in turn she's softened, less likely to turn an acerbic tongue on people, more patient with the foolishness of others. The women like her for her practicality mingled with odd flights of fancy, and her willingness to put in a good word to Kay on behalf of their husbands and suitors (she tempers these recommendations with brutal honesty, but only Kay knows that). The Queen has recovered entirely from her initial trepidation, and she likes to fuss about Ragnelle's wardrobe at holidays, insisting on beautiful rich fabrics and colors. It's apparent that Arthur is particularly excited to see his brother become a father, and consequently he and Guenever are both very fond of Ragnelle for being the cause.

The winter has come 'round again, and she spends most of her time sleeping, no matter where she is. Right now that's in their bed, where she's been all day except for a quick excursion for food. Her long dark hair is loose on the pillow, the errant vine having wound its way down around the curve of her ear and finally stopped near her elbow.