May 3rd, 2010

[info]littlebetter in [info]refried_scenes

Wedding Day

Gaheris looks suitably traumatised throughout their wedding (the whispers in the crowd vary: that she forced him to marry, that he forced her, that the king decreed it because no woman would willingly have him; pity for her to be tied to him; but to be honest the attention is on Gareth and Lyonors, the both of whom look stunning--Lyonors in her gold and white silk, Gareth with his shining smile and halo of gold hair, both looking delighted--they're more than enough to eclipse Gaheris and Lynet). He's managed to dig up a decent tunic (to be honest it's borrowed from Mordred), and Gawain made him a wedding gift of a parcel of property on one of the Orkney isles. The ring he purchased is copper.

Gareth weds his lady proudly, and Gaheris afterwards fumbles nervously to put the ring on Lynet's finger, but after that the rest of the service is mercifully brief, and a few moments later Gareth and Lyonors are being congratulated by half the court, and Gaheris is free to lean against one of the tables, shaking a little.