April 10th, 2010

[info]sagramore in [info]refried_scenes

Laurel/Sagramore backstory

Sagramore was out of Camelot when Gareth, Gaheris, and Agravain were married--not least because he's still resenting Mordred's wife, nor yet because Gwytha has finally left him. On the other hand, he's still young and fine-looking, and he has no shortage of lovers. So while he's gone for a while, he eventually comes back, making the trip across from Cornwall.

He rides back in about midday and swings off his horse in the courtyard, raking a hand through slightly-damp hair and peering up at the castle windows. The horse he stables quickly, then spends a few moments wrestling about the in the fine straw with the dogs, sending up a cloud of golden dust motes. When he finally starts up the stairs towards his old lodgings in the castle, he's got straw sticking out of his hair, errant tooth-marks on his skin, and the sleepy, handsome grin of someone who's had a good day.