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Refresh RPG

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Refresh exposes the dynamics of victory, family, school, work, and everything in between, in an AU-exploration of what the wizarding world might be like had both Voldemort and Dumbledore fallen in 1980.

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[21 Sep 2015|08:39am]
Who: William Rosier and Cambina Bulstrode
What: Discussing engagements & Michael Corner
Where: Bina's flat
When: Sunday, 20 September 1998
Rating: PG
Status: completed log

not trusting each other - that's going to sabotage us more than anyone I sleep with )

[21 Sep 2015|06:57pm]

WHO: Nymphadora Tonks & Sirius Black
WHAT: Cousin time
WHEN: Slightly backdated to Sunday 20 September 1998, 6 PM
WHERE: Hogwarts' Gates then TBD
RATING: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Autumn was in the air. )

[21 Sep 2015|07:55pm]

WHO: Nymphadora Tonks & Ted Tonks
WHAT: Father/Daughter time
WHEN: backdated to Saturday 19 September 1998, 10 AM
WHERE: Ted and Andromeda's house
RATING: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

The sun was too bright. )

[21 Sep 2015|08:05pm]

WHO: Nymphadora Tonks & Ada Mulrine
WHAT: Being young and hot on a Friday Night
WHEN: backdated to Friday 18 September 1998, literally 15 minutes after this
WHERE: Ada's flat then all over
RATING: Medium to Medium High: drinking, possible language, light debauchery
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

Super Tonks to the rescue! )

[21 Sep 2015|08:33pm]

WHO: Norah and Lucy Bones
WHAT: Lunch
WHEN: Tuesday 22 September 1998, Noon
WHERE: Three Broomsticks
STATUS: Closed//Ongoing

There didn't need to be a problem for Norah to visit her mother. )

[ viewing | September 21st, 2015 ]
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