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ooc: sls/chat/hiatus notes

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Monday sharepost! [08 Dec 2014|12:48am]

Getting this posted now just in case I get pulled into a double tomorrow! You know the drill. Random love, gifs, shares, music, memes, manips~

The events I have planned for this week are an escalating prank war, the battle of the bands, and perhaps a one day GF exhibit that involves the containment facility's equipment being transported to Balamb temporarily to help promote junctioning with students both old and new. Good opportunity for exploring character options and compatibility, I think. Let me now if you'd prefer to save this for a field trip to Esthar later! And do you guys and dolls want to handle the sceneing in separate/individual efforts or do you want a play hub (days of the week in the header + brief description of activities)?

Also worth noting: The Gold Saucer is officially open for business. Congrats, Fenrir team! This includes individual, pair or group play. Have fun but not too much fun if you know what I'm sayin' ;D

[ viewing | December 8th, 2014 ]
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