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ooc: sls/chat/hiatus notes

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[23 Nov 2014|01:05pm]
Hey all. This is Travis. It has recently come to my attention that a majority of our characters get along really well and everybody is happy and all that jazz.

This will not do. We needed a bitch. A shit-starter. An in-game Erika Kane if you will.

Soooo I decided to app Dona from FFX|X-2. She's pretty similar to herself from the first half of X. Hostile and snarky, sexily moody, dubiously disingenuous. She's kind of a mash up of Regina George and Christina Yang (from Grey's Anatomy), because she wants to be the best at everything, and she's not terribly concerned over who she has to bury to get it. She's super cocky about her magic skills and really doesn't like fellow mages because she has a diva attitude and feels like there's only enough room for one good magic user. I'm sure she has a softer side, but it's under a thick layer of ice that you'd have to nuke first.

Sooo who wants to plot? Get side-eyed? Have a slap fight in a fountain wearing shoulder-padded cocktail dresses?

PS- Forgive the journal! Prettiness is coming! I just really wanted to get the app up and runnin' today. :D

Monday sharepost! Now in the correct journal! [23 Nov 2014|11:57pm]

Early sharepost because I have a crazy day tomorrow and don't want to forget! Spam it, gif it, meme it, love each other.

We've got one more battle opportunity left in November (optional!) and then I promise December will be a good cool down month from all the emotionally crippling dramaz. Ahaha cool down. Because it's winter. ANYWAY! Do we want to discuss the FF8 version of winter celebrations so we're all on the same page? One day? Several days? Do we need a mythos behind it (giving gifts like Hyne gifted magic to the peoples~) or has it become a largely commercialized thing like in the real world xD;;

And thank you all for being awesome, as always ♥

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