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ooc: sls/chat/hiatus notes

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[12 Nov 2014|12:34am]
Forgive if this has been addressed elsewhere buuuut....

Is there a template for the Loiregram somewhere? *hides*

nkotb [12 Nov 2014|09:30pm]
hey everyone, ari here with my longest running pc ever (i first played her like 10 years ago, that's crazy) - anyway, she's a 28yo seed who was trained in galbadia garden and seconded to esthar as a emissary for a good chunk of time before she fell off the grid! and she's back like the worst partner nightmare i guess. UM so anyway she's from a super rich and powerful family back in galbadia (the sort even tabloids wouldn't dare mess with) and is a super bitch about getting shit done and done to perfection. i guess you could say she's a classy killer for real. idk when she turned this bad, she just did. LINES all the lines :')

[12 Nov 2014|11:51pm]
Hello everyone! I'm Chevalle. Once upon a time I played Edea Kramer and Tifa Lockhart here but I ended up taking a job that took me all over Alaska where there was no Internet or phone service so I ended up having to take a step back from roleplaying. That is all over now, though, and I am so happy! I am bringing in Rinoa Heartilly, one of the heroines from Final Fantasy VIII and a character that I adore writing.

A lot has happened to Rinoa in ten years and she is definitely not the girl that she used to be. Her and Squall broke up because reasons about two years after Ultimecia's defeat. The emotional instability caused her Sorceress Power(s) to lash out uncontrollably, so Rinoa resolved to isolate herself at Edea's Orphanage in order to get her shit under control. Angelo became her honorary Sorceress Knight because she is amazing and Rinoa bribed her with treats.

Fast forward almost four years. Rinoa was brought out of seclusion by the Forest Owls to try and stop a tsunami that threatened the gulf just off the coast of Timber. In a display that was captured by the media, Rinoa stopped the gigantic wave and sent it back into the ocean. Bye. After recovering from the incident, Rinoa finally went on camera for the first time to do an interview about being a Sorceress and everything. The media nicknamed her "White Witch Rinoa" because of her espoused dedication to helping the world while refusing to get involved with political entities (including Garden and the Forest Owls ;-;). The next few years were spent traveling the world and helping people. Naturally, it wasn't long before the media got bored with her and moved on to more dramatic things. Rinoa is definitely happy about that.

So, basically, ten years has made Rinoa a lot more of a realist. Age and experience have chipped away at the bubbly, impulsive naivete. She's experienced disappointment and hard times but has learned to stand on her own two feet. She has accepted her circumstances but doesn't let them define her. So that brings us here. It's been many years since Rinoa's seen any of her friends that weren't from Timber. I'm looking to hook her into Balamb Garden through some kind of story that influences her not only to visit but to stick around for the long term. Through that (and after that) I am super excited to form relationships with everyone's characters!

[ viewing | November 12th, 2014 ]
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