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ooc: sls/chat/hiatus notes

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[27 Jul 2014|03:23pm]
Hi there! This is Nikki here with Nanaki (I make it easy to remember!). He is human in this verse except the Lunar Cry happened and he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. So he's been changing to the red-orange beast as he was in FFVII, except he's not talking and he is not friendly. Think Red XIII except brutal frothy monster.

It's been something he's trying to control. Although Nanaki is more aware of his surroundings as the 'other fellow', he has to wear an inhibitor bangle at all times to keep it in check. There will be some nights--especially during full moons--when he's got to 'change', so he will have to go in the Training Center and be under supervision by a Garden instructor (hello and apologies to all instructors in advance, I'm afraid he's gonna be a bit of a bummer to your Saturday evenings.)

I would love love love to talk back-stories and plots. I spoke to Smam so far because Nanaki has been in Odine's lab for 7 years. As with the canon, he was orphaned young and his legal guardian is his old eccentric Estharian grandfather, Bugenhagen. His parents also died trying to blow up Lunatic Pandora so...in-game AVALANCHE anyone? Would love to discuss possibilities!

Very happy to be here, I think the game is pretty darn cool and I'm excited to take part!

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