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Storyline comm - look for lines

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[20 Oct 2019|03:15pm]
hey this is rick, he is going to be an enforcer. he's the father of ~bodh. he joined the mc shortly after leaving the army. he moved through the ranks and wanted to at some point be an officer but his health problems (heart attacks/pacemaker/etc) has set him back and he's holding onto enforcer knowing that eventually he'll have to step down. he owns an auto body shop with his brother and son(s) that was also his fathers before then. if there is already an auto body shop please let me know and i can change it to something else! outside of that he currently has an old lady, and i'd love to get him some more lines within the club and before so. he's a native so maybe someone they knew since diapers? etc. anything goes. hit me with your best shot.
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