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Text to Mike [19 Jul 2009|06:47pm]

If you know any of the Gods now might be the time for an interview.

Apparently the Gods powers have extended to reach outside of Tampa, the going theory is Tampa's power's extended to.

To Boston, at least.
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Telepathic Query To ALL Gods (Individually) [17 Jul 2009|11:26pm]

Did you feel that?
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Text to Josie [17 Jul 2009|11:03am]

Whoever this is, it's not us.

You text me back and let me know you're okay.

And stay off the streets.
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Text to Archer [13 Jul 2009|08:46pm]

Text to Archer )
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Text to Win [13 Jul 2009|09:16pm]

Think she's finally on the way. Pick me up, please?
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Phonecall for Cassidy - this morning - voicemail [10 Jul 2009|10:02pm]

Cassidy - please be alright.

I love you.

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Text to Duke [09 Jul 2009|01:06pm]

Where the hell are you? I went by the base and they said no one's seen you in days.
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Text to Ty [06 Jul 2009|12:39am]

I need to see you.
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Letter to Patricia [03 Jul 2009|07:52pm]

Patricia )
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Voicemail for Cassidy [03 Jun 2009|09:39pm]

Hello. Is that Cassidy Knight? This is Jamie Anderson from the Tampa police department. There was an accident earlier, and we found your number listed as the contact for a Mr. Sophus Sterling. I'm sorry to have to inform you that he was taken Tampa General Hospital earlier today.
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Text to Sebastian [02 Jun 2009|10:50am]


Tell me not to freak. Tell me not to freak. Tell me not to freak.
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Voicemail left for Geoff [28 May 2009|12:02am]

I'm sorry, I won't be able to make it to the center tonight. I believe this is a prime example of what you were referring to. I'll be over tomorrow evening.
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Text to Archer [23 May 2009|09:54pm]

Would you be interested in drinks soon?
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EMAIL TO PATRICIA [23 May 2009|09:51pm]

Link to a web-article regarding the seven where Patricia met Archer. Large photograph of them kissing is at the top of the page

Anything I should know about?
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Text to Supernatural group, Cam and Rick [20 May 2009|11:03am]

Kid's early. At [hospital].
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Sent to Malorie on Sunday [11 May 2009|12:03am]

These were delivered to Malorie with a note attached.

I still think it counts. Happy Mother's Day, Malorie.

Love always,

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[10 May 2009|09:58pm]

Sent to all the mothers Hank knows with a card wishing them a happy mother's day.
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Sent to Sam (backdated to yesterday) [03 May 2009|02:08pm]

Happy birthday Sammy!

Sent with a basket of baked goods.
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Text to Cross [29 Mar 2009|09:18pm]

I'm guessing we should talk?
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Email to Alanna [12 Mar 2009|08:22pm]

How's life?
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