Tuesday, June 1st, 2010


[ written in the inside front cover of every book ]

To whom so ever finds this journal;

What you have in your possession is an experimental item that was made with the intent of communicating with myself several years in the future. As you may have noticed, many more then the initial two have been distributed throughout time allowing you to communicate with people who may be from a different generation then yourself. This is not exactly how I planned on testing the journals, as their magic is slightly unstable and unpredictable, and naturally I am in no position to force anyone to use these. However, if you would like to participate in their use and development it would be very much appreciated.

In order to properly keep a record I'm going ask that everyone agree to the following:
  • → Please make an entry at least once every two weeks.
  • → Include your name, time, and date somewhere in each entry.
  • → The journals may change. Please make a note how they first look, and if they change at all.
  • Any other effects to the journal or yourselves that you find odd, no matter how seemingly insignificant.

    As with any magic dealing with time, the very existence of these journals is potentially dangerous. I have the original journal. If necessary, destroying mine will destroy all of yours as well. I'm sure you all have guessed this is the perfect opportunity to warn yourselves or others about past mistakes, change the future for what you may hope to be the better. Don't. I have charmed the journals so that once you write in them you can not speak about them, you'll simply find yourself incapable. Forgive me but as I mentioned, protecting the timelines. Also, while it is currently only an educated guess, despite your attempts to change things you or others have done it should not make much difference.

    I say that... All this is an experiment though. If you find anything in your time changes as a result of the journals, address a note to me directly. In theory, anything done differently in the past will change the future so you won't remember it being any differently. The entries will not change, so if you could look back on them now and again to compare what the book holds to be true, and what you know to be true. 

    Thank you and enjoy,

    The Inventor.

    P.S. I am going by the inventor because quite honestly this project of mine is against protocol of sort. Breaking rules. So unfortunately I cannot offer my name, or other personal information that may give away my identity.
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