June 8th, 2009

[info]in_the_machine in [info]rc_comm

[info]gvirus in [info]rc_comm

Text message to Dr. Leslie Strutt

My machine is... I think... this may be a blessing and a curse but not important just yet. Given time to reboot she should... you have no idea what I'm talking about. Sorry.

It's not important now. I need to tell you something in person. Not safe over texts.

[info]in_the_machine in [info]rc_comm

An Anonymous Text to Rain

This is your fault. If they had killed you, the virus would have been contained. I told them to but they didn 't listen.

[info]kistenfelps in [info]rc_comm

What the hell? The last thing I remember is heading into Piscary's. This can't be Cincinati, nor can it be anywhere else I've ever been. I'm starting to get worried. What the hell is that sound, too? Some men in black outfits referred to them as zombies and I don't like this. I'm nervous beyond anything else right now.

Rachel? Ivy? For christ sake, Jenks?

For that matter, are there any other vampires? It'd be nice to at least know someone who can help me.