May 26th, 2009

[info]bellz in [info]rc_comm

[Private to Bella]

I haven't seen Jacob in a long time and have been working over time at the shop. I don't see a point in doing anything else, I've managed a new job and everything. Edward hasn't managed to come yet and I know it's been so long, but I'm still hopeful.

Work has been a nice distraction.

I enlisted in class and saw someone who looked similarly to me, how strange.

[info]meropy in [info]rc_comm

...Tom is gone.

I knew he would leave me, I am an awful person.

My chest hurts.

I can't stay here.

[info]adrianhere in [info]rc_comm

I'm bloody bored.

Can anyone keep me company? The zombies are being annoying now. It was funny at first, but not so much anymore.

[info]rabastrange in [info]rc_comm

Would you perhaps be interested in meeting me at some point?