May 18th, 2009

[info]dr_strutt in [info]rc_comm

Craig's List Probably Isn't The Best Place For This

[info]gameover in [info]rc_comm

Text to Chris Redfield

I have someone you've got to meet. I think you'll like him. He'd make a great addition to your STARS unit

[info]dogstar in [info]rc_comm

Aw, shite. I learned a new word.


Best. Word. Ever.

[info]dark_notions in [info]rc_comm

[Writing provided in a simple arithromancy code to keep it accessable only to wizards]

I will be waiting friday at the clocktower. Any witch or wizard wishing to protect and continue our traditions and magical studies need come. Leave your blood agendas at home, the muggles outnumber us a billion to one here, it's time we grow up.

[info]ex_prongs957 in [info]rc_comm

I am bored out of my bloody mind.

[info]wormie in [info]rc_comm

So, this isn't Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen's farm let alone Tatooine. Sheesh, it isn't even a desert. I haven't see this many buildings in my life! It looks a bit like Coruscant from what I have heard about that place though. I do wonder how I got there. Aunt Beru and Uncle Owen are going to kill me if I don't finish my chores though.

Anyway- where the hell am I and what is this thing?