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c&ps here too [27 Dec 2008|12:39am]
so this is baz and he's still really bare bones right now but i think he's probably going to be a little older, maybe in the 23 or 24 year old range. he's from the area but he got his bachelor's degree in education out of state and returned home to earn his master's at urh. he'll probably be a ta in addition to his classes and i was thinking that he'd earn money on the side teaching guitar lessons at one of the local music shops. he's a trustfund kid but you'd never to look at him since one of the things he has always tried to do was just be your average joe. i think roommate is covered but he could use some ex's and love interests, maybe a high school relationship that ended due to his moving away after graduating and now that he's back there are still sparks there (but maybe the other person is involved with someone so that's a source of conflict), co-workers, classmates, people he hangs with at parties, frenemies and a bromance or two.
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[27 Dec 2008|12:45am]
hey guys and gals, this is ruthy (no last name in case i'm able to find a younger brother for her) and she's 21 and a student at the university. she's from the town, but she went to a private prep school out of state for high school, so she won't have any of those connections. she's in the education program, and she wants to be a teacher after graduation. preferably elementary school or even kindergarten which surprises her family (and most of her friends) because she's pretty outspoken and kind of the "life of the party/center of attention" due to her sarcasm, wit, general outgoing tendencies. aka she's got a filthy mouth and isn't exactly the type of person you'd think of when you hear "elementary school teacher" in the least bit. the reason she's like this is because she was really reserved/shy in high school, and didn't have many friends despite the fact that she was easily one of the richest kids there. when she came back home to go off to college, she decided to change things. so because of her reserved past, she's got a wild streak, just because she never really did anything as a teenager. she's very into the environment, and her parents often ridicule her for being a "hippie" (they're sort of right wing conservatives, very wealthy, i'm thinking her dad is in politics, but his beliefs are very unlike hers) despite the fact that's where most of her passion truly lies. she's very opinionated, loves to debate over anything and everything, and ends up making most of her friends (and enemies) this way.

in terms of lines i'm really looking for the younger brother! how much younger is up to whoever is interested in filling it, meaning high school or earlier college, it's no biggie. maybe one or two people who she was friends with during the summer (in high school, when she came home from prep school) who knew her as the "shy" girl. in terms of "romance" i'm not thinking she's ever dated anyone seriously, but some past hookups/flings, or maybe even someone who she's currently steadily fooling around with. a few people who think she's too harsh/outspoken, a few people who love her for it, a younger girl who she sort of sees as a little sister? i'm just throwing out ideas, so feel free to do so as well!
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i changed it up a bit [27 Dec 2008|01:04am]
this is julia daile thorton (the last name can change because i am looking for a sibling) i am thinking she is eighteen years old soon to be nineteen. she just recently finished up high school and is working at a clothing store that a friend of hers owns. she loves to cook and is taking some culinary classes but she isn't taking it very seriously. when she was younger her mother sent her off to boarding school in maine but when she returned she was even more wild than when she left so her mom gave up and let her stay home. her mom always says that she takes after her father too much who lives in paris and she goes to visit a lot. julia is pretty strange and offbeat but she is always looking for a good time and she is always open to new things which usually ends up in trouble. she is a lot like cassie if you ever watch skins! the last couple of years she has really matured. she used to be very outspoken and obnoxious but the last couple years she has become more quiet but with the people she feels comfortable around she is still loud. she moved out of home shortly after her mother married [info]slaydon's dad and moved into an apartment with [info]dylon and [info]harting. she claims that she doesn't "believe" in relationships but she has had some in the past because she convinces herself that they aren't actually relationships because she is scared to death of getting hurt which usually happens. she is very sarcastic and really blunt but not very many people hear her now a days. people used to be turned off by the way she used to act especially her mother but she is who she is but she is very misunderstood which is mostly her fault because she didn't let a lot of people see the softer side of her so people still see her as the same girl but she really has changed a lot. she loves music and is usually singing or dancing around since she used to take ballet classes until she was sent off to boarding school. she tries to play almost every instrument she can get her filthy hands on. i was thinking that she might be in a band that sounds like she & him or mates of state maybe even rilo kiley but i haven't really decided yet. if anyone would be interested in that let me know. i would love anything you guys have in mind, i was hoping for an older brother or sister that maybe actually gets along with their mother and looks after jule. exes/flings, a best friend, friends in general, people who she could cook for.. i can't really think right now but just comment and we can think of something!
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[27 Dec 2008|01:17am]
hi! this is kyli elizabeth harting, sister to the lovely jeremiah [info]harting. she's 19 years old and extremely childish, which people either love or love to hate. ever since she was a little girl she's been getting into some kind of trouble, killing the goldfish, shaking up her little turtle's habitat and thankfully by some miracle she hasn't grown up to be a serial killer - just a bit of a partier and her parents see her as lazy. she was born in london and she moved to the u.s. because her dad got a better job offer and she's lived in a plethora of different places and hardly remembers a lot about any of them. she has a slight english accent but it's not too prominent since she picked up on american slang pretty fast and wanted to fit in with all the other kids and not be teased, still every now and then words her parents use slip out and she gets weird looks/teased. she sucks at anything musically orientated but loves music, she's a procrastinator and has always been and isn't sure what she wants to do with her life but she's also very into fashion and aside from ripping her barbies' heads off as a kid because their hair cuts were too "ugly" she used to make them new clothes out of her mother's pantyhose. her most recent job was at a coffee shop but she got fired for never showing up on time and is currently unemployed, although she tries to convince everyone she's gonna find a job 'any day now'. as for how she treats other people, she's generally really nice and fun if you can put up with her insane ideas and i'm thinking she has probably only had one serious boyfriend and she definitely needs some close girl friends. so... yep i think that's it, i suck at these!
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i always suck at these so bare with me :-( [27 Dec 2008|01:54pm]
this is cailee poplin, she's twenty years old and she goes to ccc with her best friend, [info]sorutto. she's focusing on culinary technology and her dream is to own a catering business/bakery and fill the world with decent and affordable food. she's lived in rawley hills her entire life, she's an only child so she normally just tried to be friends with everyone she met. she's pretty nice unless you a) are rude to her best friend, b) knock her career choice, or c) are the animal abuser type. being around her grandparents constantly, she learned to always help other people/volunteer whenever possible. mostly she just donates food to shelters and sells food door to door at an extremely cheap price to people that want it and don't throw things/yell at her when they answer the door. she's also big on animals rights but she's not one of the extremist "i'm gonna dash paint on you" types. the most persuasive thing she'll really do to get you to believe in an animal rights cause is give you a flyer and a free cupcake. currently, she works as a waitress and a babysitter every once in a while. anywho, everything you really need to know is here, just toss some ideas at me :)
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[27 Dec 2008|02:04pm]
okay, so i just finished his bio, so i figure i should try to find some storylines! this is mischa aure russo, pb joe jonas. since i'm pretty tired of typing about him, i'll just paste his quick facts!
nineteen-years-old, born feb 12, 1989
born in new york, moved to nc as an infant
loves animals
allergic to chocolate
reads at least a book a week
attends urh, studying to be a vet
attended both nrhs and srhs
will drink or smoke, but doesn't make plans on doing it

as for storylines, i'd like to have some friends, ex girlfriend(s), crushes, and two room mates! anything else you can think of, i am open to it. :-)
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i'm never too good at these things but here we go [27 Dec 2008|04:23pm]
hello beautiful people of [info]rawley, meet justin moretti. he's a 21 rawley hills native currently attending urh in hopes of becoming a music teacher. he's a big animal lover and it's in his nature to try and help people as much as he possibly can but when it comes to asking for help, justin is pretty hesitant because he hates feeling like as if he'll be a problem for them. he has a hatred towards snakes and then smoking/drugs due to an incident in high school. like i said, i'm really bad at these things but click here! if you want to know more and hopefully we can figure something out!
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[27 Dec 2008|04:34pm]
hi, i'm bringing this jessica stam pb in for the role of jessica "jonnie" mcintyre who is going to be pretty awesome so please give me some lines! she attended north rawley and now is a freshman at the university. more info about her is in the form of three paragraphs (gasp) or a list-like cheat sheet here!

i'm looking for an older brother, some best friends, one or two exes, and maybe some funny/creative ones we can brainstorm :-)
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[27 Dec 2008|05:00pm]
before i start working on her, does anyone want to work anything out?
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[27 Dec 2008|06:18pm]
this will be short and sweet so don't worry about going cross-eyed trying to read a long winded thing about her life, anyway, this is quinn theiss and she's twenty nine years old. she's the older cousin to [info]baros and she's kind of like a mom to him but really she fails miserably or at least she thinks she does. she'll let him and probably his friends crash in her basement (but only if they promise to do her chores the next day, the dishes aren't going to wash themselves) if they need a place to stay or whatever. lately she's been feeling pressured by her mother and college friends to meet a man and eventually have a couple of kids but she doesn't exactly see herself being able to change diapers without throwing up everywhere or trying to feed a baby pureed peas and carrots. quinn enjoys living up to the whole "always the bridesmaid but never the bride" which might seem like some girls' nightmare, but not her! she works as a vet assistant and personality wise she's young at heart when it comes to everyday social situations, she wants to try and enjoy life and maintain her youth rather than settle down and conform to her mothers idea of a healthy, logical, life. never been engaged, never been married, the thought of marriage sends a shiver up her spine. okay, so this isn't working out as well as i thought it would but if anyone needs anything let me know and uh i'm more than willing to think of things too.
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[27 Dec 2008|07:09pm]
okay so i figured it was about time i did one of these. hi everyone meet jerzie. she's a 21 year old space case that forgets almost everything important so she's got to write herself notes about everything half the time. she was born/raised in rawley along with her little sister [info]penington. when jerzie was 14 her family moved away to daytona beach, fl because of her fathers job. she moved back once she graduated high school to attend college where she's majoring in journalism and minoring in photography. during her sophomore year her grandmother died leaving behind her house to jerzie's parents. since they didn't want to move back they allowed jerzie to move in with some friends. right now she's just going to school and working as a waitress at a diner all the while taking care of her little sister. she smokes pot on ocasion but won't do anything other than that or drink. she's a partier by far but it's nothing too excessive, she's not a drunk. one thing she loves to do is have a million people over her house for movie night and game night because she loves to be social and experience both sides of life: the chill side and the wild side. she plays the guitar but isn't that great, she mostly does it for fun. i want sl's with each and every one of you and once i get home/am not via sk i will comment your guys' sl posts but for now lets just work out something amazing y/y
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[27 Dec 2008|08:15pm]
instead of flooding ~rps, i'm just going to put it here. is anyone looking for any storylines that she can fill? roommate, family, friends, whatever! i'm in the process of working on her now.
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[27 Dec 2008|09:11pm]
This is Chrystina "Chrysta" Paige, played by Samantha Jade. At the moment I don't have too much figured out for her aside from a little brief bio. Born on Noverber 20, 1987 she just recently turned 21. Her parents divorced when she was ten and her mother won custody of her. She's the only child and is spoiled in every way, especially from her father. Originally from Laguna Beach, she moved to Rawley with her mother since most of her mother's family is from the area while her father stayed back in California. He's currently a partner in a law firm and takes every chance to spoil Chrysta whenever he gets the chance. While her mother's side of the family has always had to work for what they wanted, her father's side has always been in money. While both of her parents would rather Chrysta be furthering her education neither will put their foot down and force her to college and while it's not completely out of the picture, she doesn't know what direction she wants to take in her life and rather than actually sitting down and trying to figure out what she wants to do/be, she spends her free time partying and working at the local mall at Forever21. It works since her and her roommate [info]vanny can be found spending their money their when Chrysta's not working. SHe's really friendly and loves to make friends. On the weekends, especially to help Vanny unwind from the week of school, Chrysta tries to throw a party, or two, at their place. This is just some background on her, but at least it's a start. While I develope her more, would anyone want anything?
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[27 Dec 2008|09:11pm]
this is kyle van metter a native of los angeles, california and wasn't too thrilled about the idea of coming down to north carolina, but it was for good reason. he and his (now ex-girlfriend) moved to north carolina in the early summer with the prospects of taking care of his grand mother after learning that she had a heart attack and a stroke relatively close to each other. surprisingly, she refused to have them live with her, stating she could do it by herself, but he wanted to keep close just incase. he is desperately trying to rebuild the lifestyle he had in la. his mother was a big-time realtor for all of the celebrities, artists, authors, models, you name it and she probably sold them a house, or sold their house for them. his father is a hot shot defense attorney for the state of california so kyle grew up living this sort of lavish lifestyle. however, it didn't seem to affect his ego too much but he learned how to manipulate people into getting what he wanted. he's used to getting into the local hot spots first, cutting in line, with his ways. but he doesn't always use his knowledge for "evil" per say. overall he is definitely a big sweetheart, or a big teddy bear if you would.

kyle is also big into writing. he majored in journalism at ucla and has his masters; he also has a few books he has been working on, off and on throughout the year that he pushed aside during the big move but is starting to work on more now that he met [info]bradleychurch.

since he's new and he moved out of his and his ex-girlfriends apartment he would need a roommate, i was thinking it could be a few people who live in a house. or maybe just one person, doesn't matter. the actual ex-girlfriend that he moved up here with, and maybe a few friends, girls that he was charmed since the recent demise of his relationship or whatever we could think up.
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[27 Dec 2008|09:13pm]
this is cameron (you can call her cami, though she prefers cam) justison; 20 (21 in about a month), URH student slash barista, originally from the central jersey shore area but moved to rawley hills in seventh grade. she's not a spotlight seeker and doesn't really like getting wrapped up in anyone's drama because she has her fair share at home. her family, for all intents and purposes, defines dysfunction. she's the type of person who personally hates to complain and is always putting other people and their needs ahead of herself and her own. sure, it sounds nice but its ultimately kind of a self-serving thing because she hates talking about herself. since she never talks about herself, she never really talks about her feelings so its all kind of just sitting there, building up inside of her; 20 years down the road, some therapist is going to have an absolute field day with her. ok she's starting to sound like a mess but she's really not that bad. people kind of consider her a relationship guru and go to her when they want an honest, unbiased opinion on the state of their affairs (literally!), which is ironic because she's never actually had a serious relationship of her own. lets just say mom and dad weren't exactly ideal role models. she loves all things paranormal, cooking, bad 80's music, awful reality tv, and has never read a single page of harry potter (never plans to either).

i need a brother (adopted before she was born, about 22 or 23), friends, ex-boyfriends (nothing serious, nothing that lasted longer than a couple months), ex-friends, co-workers (at a little coffee shop), neighbors, classmates, people to watch ghost hunters and most haunted with, etc. i know this sucks, but there's a good amount of information in her journal so just comment, even if you have no idea what you want, i'll do my best to think up something!
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adelyn knows box, use it! [27 Dec 2008|09:13pm]
Hello all! My girls name is Adelyn Dobbson, she is the daughter of a famous rocker (of the group BOX) and she was sent to live with her aunt at the age of 10 in hopes of giving her some sense of normalacy and in a deseperate attempt to keep her from going down the same path as her two older sisters, both who have been in rehab before.

She spent most of her childhood here, so she's not a stranger to the town or the people in it. She's 19, she's a student, and best of all... she needs storylines! Any takers? I'm open to anything.
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[27 Dec 2008|09:31pm]
hello, hellooo! i'm just heading out so i'll try to make this short and sweet, but get everything in as well.

this is matthew collins, but call him matthew and he'll kill you - he goes by matt. he's 21 years old, soon to be 22 in early january, and attends the university of rawley hills. his family background is pretty messed up; his parents were happily married up until he was 16 because they started fighting constantly, and one day his fatehr just up and left with only a note on the fridge. they later found out that he left with another woman. his mother was really depressed, but with the help of matt's grandmother, her friends, matt and his brother she overcame it and met her current husband. they got married about a year ago, and he legally adopted matt and his brother and he owns a bunch of nightclubs mostly in the la and new york area called 'casa collins.' he moved to north carolina permanently to be with matt's mom, and is building another nightclub in the downtown area of north carolina.

he loves playing sports and the guitar - both were a release for him when his father left, and he continues with it today. he tends to jog a lot in the morning, it's become a ritual. he's a really fun guy, loves to party, loves to meet new people and all that fun stuff. he's laid back and tries not to get involved with any drama, he tends to be the peacemaker of his friends, because he hates conflict and always tries to fix their issues. his friends are his second family, and so if you hurt them you're in trouble. he sometimes gets too attached to his friends personal issues and gets involved when he shouldn't. he is really stubborn, and that's definitely a downfall. he's working on it, though! he's a big flirt by nature, but takes it seriously when he's in a relationship. he doesn't mess around or stray. he hasn't had a real relationship aside from being in two so far, and so he's just seeing what's out there. he actually does like school and does well. because it's his last term, he is kind of slacking off but still manages to get good grades.

i think that's about it! anything and everything would be awesome, i'm up for brainstorming too.
first and foremost i'd love a younger brother for him, and then of course friends, enemies, hookups, the two girls he was in a relationship with at some point, cousins, neighbors, friends he can jam with on the guitar, if you work at a starbucks or some coffee shop - he's in there practically every morning after his jog, etc, anything!
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[27 Dec 2008|09:47pm]
whats up ladies and gents! this is bradley "brad" church, he was born in charlotte, and raised there but moved to rawley hills, after finishing grad school at duke university. he moved mainly because he was sick of city life. brad has two kids, one with his current girlfriend, and her name is jazmine elizabeth and the other one with his ex, which is his son, named christopher ayden. he no longer speaks with his ex because he can't get over the fact that she gave up their son to him in order to pursue a career. brad is seen as being really laid back, somewhat goofy and sarcastic, and a total gentleman for the most part. he's also into artsy stuff, from indie music to doing photography, when he has the time! he's a big kid at heart as well, he enjoys watching disney movies and cartoons with his kids, and he is going to try to take them to disney world every other summer. currently i will take any lines thrown at me, but i would love to fill the two main ones in my journal, as well as family lines so he can have his 5 siblings. otherwise he's open for anything and everything! so throw whatever line ideas you have at me, because the more creative they are, the better. thanks! :-)
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[27 Dec 2008|11:29pm]
i officially applied so i figure it's time to make this post! anyways, this is edith julianne rockovich but you can call her edie. she's nineteen (almost twenty) and was born and raised in rawley hills. she's that girl that was told from the day she was born that she was pretty, so she's basically convinced that she has no talents outside of being pretty which made her want to be a model. about a year and a half ago, she applied for america's next top model and made it on the show but was eliminated first because she took horrible pictures and had an awful walk. but she was convinced she could still be a model so she moved out to new york city to get any agent. eleven months later and she had no agent, no jobs, and no more money so she was forced to move back home. now, she works as a cocktail server at a bar and basically spends her free time partying, drinking, and using whatever drugs people offer her. to the people around her, edie comes off as outgoing, fun, and friendly but she's pretty screwed up inside. she just doesn't let anyone see the screwed up side.

as for storylines, she's got a serious ex-boyfriend, a sister, two roommates, and a wide array of people that are assisting in her self-destructive behavior. she could use a childhood best friend, coworkers at the bar, maybe a couple of guys she's had flings with since she's been back, people that she doesn't get along with, or really anything else you can come up with. i'm up for it all, i swear!
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