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rated x

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[26 Nov 2021|09:42am]
someone to (please) pb adrien brody against my anya taylor joy in a line where they are both vampires. i’m not against coming up with something wildly different either.
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[26 Nov 2021|12:29pm]
Looking for some femme fun. Ideas in the journal or bring me yours. Open to pbs as long as they fit the roles in the scenario we're playing.
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[26 Nov 2021|01:15pm]
Can offer Rey & Ben & Jyn & Cassian & Rose & Bodhi.

Are you longing to play approximately one million self indulgent AU's? Have you seen the Adam Driver Burberry advertisement and wished that you could play a mer AU (or centaur)? Have you read a fanfic and been inspired to play a particular plot? BITCH, ME TOO!

Bring me your period au's, your modern ones, your tentacles and oh my God they were roommates. Let me tell you about my dumb ideas or inundate you with lists and lists of AU's as far as the eye can see!

Let's discuss! Let's play!

I am fully open to crosscanon or wibbly wobbly timey wimey SW shenanigans, but I would be remiss if I said that I didn't have particular favorites that I'd love to play with. Jyn x Cassian and Rey x Ben, for starters. For Bodhi, I love Jyn or Cassian or both! OT3 for life, yo. You can even throw a Kay in the mix, I'm easy! Truth be told, I love Ben for Rose, but you could offer Rey or Finn or Poe or Hux (for Rey, too!) or Kaydel or hell, Beaumont if there is one out there! I'll try it all.
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[26 Nov 2021|03:04pm]
Looking for someone to play a younger female. Her dad was sleeping with my character and suddenly broke up with me to go back to his happy life. My girl decides to take revenge on the father by getting the daughter, tying her up and going live on Facebook/ Webcam for the dad to see.
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[26 Nov 2021|06:32pm]
A family member or family friend who she sent a nude photo to by accident on the holidays. But she decides to push buttons and see if she can get the other person to go along with making her moan in pleasure. Open to males or females and comment here or the screened post.
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[26 Nov 2021|07:33pm]
any guys want anything kinky for the night?
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[26 Nov 2021|09:39pm]
Check the journal! A Garrett Hedlund, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, or Charlie Hunnam, for something fun, adventurous, tragic, magical, and smutty!
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