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rated x

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[27 Sep 2021|12:41am]
Looking for a het line with some fantasy/supernatural Vikings who kidnap my girl to turn her into his (or their!) personal slave. Bonus points for shapeshifters, breeding, dub/non-con, and multiple partners, and any other kink on my list. Happy to go into the shapeshifting thing as much as is wanted. (Tis the season for horny monsters, after all.)

Faces up for discussion on all sides -- not really wedded to anyone per se. Journals or discord, please.
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[27 Sep 2021|12:57am]
Femme and futa supernatural gpsl re-opening October 2nd. Discuss and plan lines in [info]ripleysls.
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[27 Sep 2021|10:16am]
controversial/taboo ideas in the journal
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[27 Sep 2021|02:31pm]
an older man for a romantic line with this trans woman? something casual that leads to feelings, a childhood friend or ex who comes back into her life, a sugar daddy, local blue collar worker, or anything else you may have in mind! open to brainstorming or minimal plotting, writing-heavy + long term is my favorite but i'll do short scenes too ♥ i can also recommend faces but i'm not very picky! just want something interesting and romance-oriented.
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[27 Sep 2021|04:18pm]
to those i ghosted, i'm sorry, life got rough. hit me up and i'll be happy to start where we left off. as for the rest of you - anyone got a werewolf who just really wants to breed?
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[27 Sep 2021|04:24pm]
would anyone be interested in setting up a line to take to [info]ripleymod? i have a lot of ideas and pbs, would just like someone to discuss things with and work out a dynamic. open to doing a test scene or custom as well to ensure we have chemistry.
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[27 Sep 2021|04:31pm]
Anybody up for either a mother/son or mother/daughter line against a Kim Kardashian PB?
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[27 Sep 2021|06:39pm]
[info]greystokemanor This alpha female is gonna need some clients
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[27 Sep 2021|07:53pm]
something slash or het for a joshua bassett pb?
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[27 Sep 2021|11:33pm]
[info]ripleymod Lines for the mayor? Looking for her wife, negotiable open relationship, at least one could've been serious ex, and she has plenty of non-romantic connections if you'd prefer.
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