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rated x

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[04 Sep 2021|08:50am]
please bring werewolf MC members to ~packlaw. she's the only sweetbutt there and she needs to be used.  open to het and femme.
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[04 Sep 2021|09:01am]
A towering femme or futa to manhandle a shorter girl?
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[04 Sep 2021|09:30am]
Looking for writers interested in a small a/b/o gpsl (10 characters) with a setting similar to The Bi Life - a small group of singles jet off to a nice villa somewhere (Malibu? Miami? Some place else?) to find love. They meet each other for the very first time and settle in, ready for one month of dating ahead of them (with the option of taking the game further if we want to continue.)
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[04 Sep 2021|12:09pm]
Filthy adultery, homewreckers, or women who love fucking their househusbands? Looking to play the male
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[04 Sep 2021|03:22pm]
anything for the lines or ladies in the journal?
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[04 Sep 2021|07:16pm]
something slash against justin bieber? or an au setting where he hooks up with himself, same age or different age, whatever works. please comment the screened in the journal!
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[04 Sep 2021|07:55pm]
customs or scenes for her? something dark, taboo, or supernatural would be amazing, but open to other ideas as well. kinks and themes are listed in the journal.
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[ viewing | September 4th, 2021 ]
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