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rated x

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[21 May 2021|03:44am]
Looking for an alpha for this omega, who has been on heat suppressants his entire life, and they're starting to fail. Now, he's a virgin in his 30s and the need to get laid is beyond overwhelming. Open on the alpha's faces and on kinks. Public sex would be fantastic, though.

Comment here or on screened post in his journal.
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[21 May 2021|11:01am]
looking for a het line that takes place in a small town. maybe they were a thing in high school but she moved off to the big city for a job or college and left this place behind. now that she's in her mid thirties she's returned back to town under the guise of helping her mother because her father died not long ago. possibly there is more to it, who knows? she's always been sort of an enigma around those parts. one night at the local bar she meets up at him and due to a mix of alcohol and lingering feelings they hook up and weeks later she discovers she's pregnant.

i would love a mix of fluff, angst, and smut. totally open on pbs and want to play the f.
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[21 May 2021|12:18pm]
Top in their 60s+ for something fun and smutty against one of my younger guys?
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[21 May 2021|12:26pm]
check the journal, especially interested in the mafia line.
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[21 May 2021|01:29pm]
Come be an escort and model for one of NYC's finest crime families in [info]mademen! This lady runs the service and I promise it's a fun time for all.

Also looking for more men to take the escorts for a spin and cause a little mayhem!
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[21 May 2021|03:18pm]
Looking for a female room mate to play opposite of. Your character had sex with my characters boyfriend and now she is out fro revenge.
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[21 May 2021|05:47pm]
An alien (hoping for one that doesn't just look human) for something slash against my human? I have a few ideas (and pic reference options) but I am down for brainstorming.
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