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rated x

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[09 May 2021|12:35am]
Any chance of a Matty Healy shaped omega for my alpha? Ideally one that demanding and generally a bit of a handful? I'd love to use Freema, but I am open to discussing other pbs for her
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[09 May 2021|03:55pm]
For lines involving human females against decidedly non-human creatures (both as or against).

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[09 May 2021|07:09pm]
can I get something het or slash for Tommy Lee?
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[09 May 2021|07:40pm]
He's working at his father's company and his dad is a big name in the city. He's very influential, rich and he loves to have everything under control.

Of course, a gay son doesn't fit the picture.

So dad gets his son a little mentor/bodyguard who watches over him and makes sure he stays "On the right path". Maybe that man is gay too though and the guys start getting feelings? Would love to find the mentor/bodyguard for my guy here.
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[09 May 2021|07:42pm]
Looking for a Devon Aoki pb for a line to take to [info]mademen
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[09 May 2021|08:52pm]
[info]marvelgrouphug chris hemsworth, i am not above begging. also paul bettany, paul rudd, bradley cooper, dave bautista where are you at?
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[ viewing | May 9th, 2021 ]
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