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rated x

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[03 May 2021|06:32am]
Anyone interested in either of these ideas?

Quick and efficient. If you know the right people to ask it's a simple matter to get a copy of the "little black book". A catalog of unsuspecting girls, already stalked and studied, ready to be picked up at your desire. For a bit extra you can have them trained, or delivered with some toys that are sure to play to their personalities.

The family out in the sticks, they don't trust city folk but they need to keep the line going. Luckily it's not hard to grab some wayward campers and hikers to serve as their pretty baby makers.

Or jut any hardcore noncon line with potential to go longish term. Comments screened.
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[03 May 2021|02:01pm]
[info]nightmarket Looking for a male love interest for this fae changeling (<- means he has no idea he's fae, was placed with a human couple as a newborn) omega. He's deaf and very, very shy, but works as a dancer at the local night club because he loves being able to feel the music. Completely open to faces and a/b/o ranks
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[03 May 2021|02:52pm]
I'd love to fill one of the lines in my journal, or brainstorm something based about my interests as listed in there. Basically just looking to write one of my mouthy punk girls. Very open on who I'll write against but Matty Healy or Yungblud would be amazing.
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[03 May 2021|06:55pm]
I’d absolutely love to find something het to write for him. I’d even be willing to play him as a pb at this point if I could get something! I’d especially love to write against Kylie Jenner, Demi Lovato, or Madelyn Cline but I have a huge list of girls I’d love to write him against! Feel free to add me on wire @barackandrolla or discord @ barackandrolla#5750! I’d prefer to find something on apps if possible!!
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[03 May 2021|07:10pm]
some customs/scenes for him?
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