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rated x

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[06 Apr 2021|01:01pm]
really want something with a mix of drama, smut, and romance. i have a few ideas for a psl or something that can be taken somewhere. i'd prefer to write the m but i'm flexible. pb only. drop me a comment in the journal if you're interested.
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[06 Apr 2021|02:34pm]
She wants to get some cocky guys into panties and on their knees, either through force or magic...or a delightful combination of the two. Bondage, humiliation, feminization, toys (pegging is a must), genital swap and size play via magic, and pretty much whatever else we can cook up. Open to something femme as well.

*Comments in my contact post are screened*
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[06 Apr 2021|06:26pm]
seeking an ian for mickey in a journals only psl!
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[06 Apr 2021|08:38pm]
[info]sexts a fuck buddy
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[ viewing | April 6th, 2021 ]
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