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rated x

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[05 Feb 2021|11:43am]
A cigar smoking Maluma for something pb against him? Open to brainstorming something smutty but with plot.
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[05 Feb 2021|01:04pm]
taboo incest lines. slash, (nearly) no limits, journals or wire.
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[05 Feb 2021|01:37pm]
something for her? femme or het. would love something on the darker side!
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[05 Feb 2021|02:17pm]
check the journal. i'd really like a line or two right now.
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[05 Feb 2021|05:59pm]
A Niall Horan pb for something?
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[05 Feb 2021|07:32pm]
Any chance of an alt/tattooed/rockstar pb male for either an au celeb or PB line against Heather Baron-Gracie. Open to all kinds of themes and would love to brainstorm something.
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[05 Feb 2021|11:56pm]
Such a long shot, but I really would love to do something as Sylvia Tilly from Star Trek: Discovery against Captain Lorca or Captain Pike of the same show.
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[ viewing | February 5th, 2021 ]
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