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rated x

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[24 Jan 2021|05:41pm]
looking to join [info]devilsknightsmo as a member's old lady. very active, very 'well rounded' as far as rp content - looking for the same. face optional. hit me up
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[24 Jan 2021|08:36pm]
[info]inviting come through for me, people
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[24 Jan 2021|10:50pm]
Is anyone interested in some GoT fun? I would love some more lines for Sansa here.

Tyrion for a marriage line, either set during her time at Kingslanding or after their talk in the crypts.

Sandor for anything really (he's such a rare find). But most likely her leaving with him after the battle of the blackwater or finding each other as the gravedigger and Alayne Stone.

Jaime to fulfill his oath to her mother and return her home safely, in person.

Theon/Reek in Winterfell or just after they've escaped. Hurt/comfort is a given.

Jon when they return to Winterfell.

I'd happily play with guys not listed here (except Jof and Ramsay), these are just the ones off the top of my head. As you can probably tell, I'll play in book or show cannon, do complete rewrites or fix-its. Cross overs in similar settings are also welcome.
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