Rare Parings

June 3rd, 2008

Rare Fandom Pairings


June 3rd, 2008

Twisting the Blade: Thunderbolts (Marvel Comics) Fic

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Author: Bitterfig
Title: Twisting the Blade
Fandom: The New Thunderbolts (Marvel Comics)
Pairing: Bullseye/Jack Flag
Summary: After Jack Flag’s capture by the Thunderbolts, Bullseye pays him a visit.
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 2207
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Non-con, violence, torture. This story is more about sadism than sex though the threat of rape is used to emotionally terrorize.
Author’s Note: Written for the Marvel Comics Kink Meme prompt “Bullseye/Jack Flag, Dub-con. After stabbing him in the back (Thunderbolts #111) Bullseye visits Jack in the hospital to twist the knife.” I realize these are pretty obscure characters so I'm linking to some background info on Bullseye's damage and on how Jack Flag was captured and wounded.

(Twisting the Blade)
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